Monday, May 24, 2010

Sydney's b-day party

For Sydney's 7th birthday party we ended up with a beach party kind of theme, mostly because we were decorating flip flops, so the rest just kind of fell into place. We picked out several games around that theme - here she is with the "pin the flower on the hula girl".

She was so excited, couldn't wait for her guest to arrive. The count down started earlier in the week and on the day of the party, it was "how many hours?..." "how many minutes?..".

As an ice breaker we played a game where we passed a hula hoop between two teams of girls - and the winning team got to pick a prize. They were all very excited to be picking out prizes.

Here is the hula game in action. One girl did especially well (no, not Sydney). A little too well - very suspicious! haha

After a few games inside everyone decided to hit the playset. That was, until they got too hot - then it was back inside for some more fun.

I think the most fun was when they were playing "freeze dance". We were playing the Hampster Dance song. I'm having a hard time getting that tune out of my head - the music was cranked! The girls had a blast just jumping around being crazy.

We finally settled down for the craft - fabric covered flip flops. They did really well and were almost all able to tie the fabric on by themselves.

Here they are displaying the end results. Oh, and Zack wanted to get in the picture too - he was feeling a tiny bit left out with all of the girls here :)

Instead of a cake, we let everyone decorate their own cupcake. Yum!!

Sydney had hers with the "works"!

It was a great way to celebrate - Sydney has so many nice friends.