Saturday, April 03, 2010

Easter Egg Drop

When we saw the ad last year for an "Easter Egg Drop" at a local church, we were quite intrigued. The ad said that a helicopter will drop thousands of eggs. hmmmm Well last year it must have been raining or something, because we didn't go. But of course the kids remembered it, and when it was advertised this year, we promised to go. We had no idea what to expect. The kids talked about it for weeks! When the day finally arrived, it started out beautiful! It was a wonderful warm spring day. Then, by lunch time, it got really windy and stormy. We had to remind the kids that it wasn't safe to fly a helicopter in high winds and warned them it might be cancelled. But still, we promised we'd go check it out. When we got there, it was still windy, and starting to cool down - but sure enough, they were going to have the helicopter fly in.
So we found a bag to hold the eggs and waited it out. When we saw the helicopter fly in from the distance, everyone started cheering. The pilot dropped one test egg to see how the wind was blowing, then buckets of plastic eggs came showering down from the sky!

The kids were able to grab quite a few eggs, and I think the bad weather kept some people at home because it wasn't even a crazy madhouse as I expected. Sadly, we didn't find any of the "cash eggs" that were promised but we got enough trinkets and treats to make the trip worthwhile.