Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone!! My house went from this ...

... to this, in about 4 minutes! Wow!

Present opening began at 7:30, when we finally allowed Sydney to wake up Zack. Sydney was the early riser as normal, getting up at something like 5:45am. I'm only estimating because I was too tired at the time to really accept what time it was. Zack was obviously tired because he is usually up at 7am also, but I was glad he "slept in".

I think one of the kids favorite toys was the Bakugan balls they got from Santa in their stockings. Those things are pretty cool when they pop open!

They were quite sick of me taking pictures by now, but they should be used to it :)

Pico wanted in on all of the holiday action. She made herself right at home wherever she was. The kitties loved their treats and toys they got too. It was so thoughtful of Sydney to buy them fun toys from Secret Santa shop at school.

By far I think the whole family's favorite present was the Wii. Zack is skilled at boxing, while Sydney is trying to learn all of the games. I even like the Wii Yoga! I told everyone it was a Pajama day, and that we wouldn't get dressed all day - I almost made it, but I wanted to put some workout clothes on to do Yoga. Zack did stay in his jammies all day. It was such a nice relaxing day, I think we'll have PJ day at least one more time this winter!