Sunday, October 18, 2009

Columbus Marathon Weekend

Well the big weekend has finally arrived. You know, the weekend Alan has been training for 18 weeks! The Columbus Marathon! But this year we decided to let the kids in on the fun and signed them up for the kids run. It was .35 miles for Sydney and .15 miles for Zack. They both did a really great job. Here are some shots of the kids in action...

Zack getting ready to make his way out of the back of the pack at the starting line.

Sydney zooming in to the finish line!

I was so proud of them because they both ran the whole distance without stopping - something neither one of them could do during our "training".

Proudly wearing their finishing medals.

We enjoyed a yummy pasta dinner at Carrabba's Saturday night. The next day, we got up at 5:30 am (much to my dismay, despite my disbelief that we REALLY had to get up that early - yes, YOU were right Alan...). It was so darn chilly!! In fact, it was only 33 degrees. All of the spectators and supporters were bundled up in hats, gloves, winter coats and scarfs - and the runners were in shorts & t-shirts.

Alan's training sure paid off - here he is right before mile 26. Still looking strong.

His official finish time was 3 hrs 16 mins - although the service provided by the marathon published a finish of 3:15 on Facebook! Either way, he rocked it. That's a Boston qualifying time. WELL DONE! His previous best time was 3:27. Quite an improvement. He placed 381 out of 4,078 finishers. In his age bracket, he placed 42nd out of 388 finishers. That was as pace of 7:30.

When we came home I ran a measly little 2 miles and then had to come back inside because my ears hurt from the cold. However, I was awarded with medals from my family - so we all had medals. If you could see mine, they say "#1 Mom!", "#1 Wife - Best Wife Ever", "Go", "First Place Mommy" and simply "You Won". Seems I have a pretty great cheering team too :)

The worst part of the weekend - I got a $25 parking ticket for not paying for my parking spot in a lot. Hey, I sure didn't see anyone manning the lot at 7am when we got there. Geez. Oh well, lesson learned.