Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday in Cancun

After talking it up to the kids all week, we finally took the kids to the "straw market" in downtown Cancun. Much to our surprise, the place was more than half empty!! Unfortunately that put a damper on the big morning of shopping. We did wander around the stall that were there and bought a cool t-shirt for Zack. We did venture into the supermarket downtown, which was quite an adventure, especially since it was one of those places where you weren't supposed to flush the toilet paper - ewwww, that was a nasty smelling restroom!! I think that was the fastest we've ever made it in and out of the bathroom. The also had a "people mover" kinda escalator that was flat to take shopping carts up to the 2nd floor.

After shopping we headed back to our hotel for some more swimming and sliding. For dinner we decided to do something new and ordered room service. The food was good, even thought I had to steal a fork from the room across the hall!
Next we dragged the kids out shopping again since we were still in search of some items. We found quite a few treasures and headed back to the hotel for some night swimming. We had promised the kids we would swim at night, so we slipped into the kids pool area. Surprisingly we were the only ones in the pool. We soon found out why, when we were asked to get out!! oops