Saturday, August 01, 2009

New water camera case... and an Ooops!

I bought this cool water case for our camera in anticipation of our upcoming trip to Cancun. It works really well - other than it being a little awkward to wait for the camera to focus, but the pictures turned out good I thought. I can't wait to get some shots of tropical fish!!

Ironically this is what we were doing when we were supposed to be at a birthday party! What a dummie I was - I got an invitation from Emma, Sydney's good friend from school and our neighbor, and I wrote it on my calendar for the wrong day!! I thought it was 8/2/09 instead of 8/1/09. I was so bummed when I found out we had missed it. I was sick to my stomach, upset at what a dumb mistake I had made. I vow to pay closer attention to details and write stuff down correctly from now on!! :(