Monday, July 06, 2009

A day at the zoo

I was originally going to take the kids to the neighborhood playgroup today, but there wasn't one! So we scheduled a trip to the zoo with Jacob & Kendall instead. I had forgotten it was a free zoo day for city residents, so it was packed! I now know why I don't go on Mondays :) It was a good time though. The kids had a lot of fun going down the slide in the new area. Here they are surprising Sydney! Note the sandals that Sydney has on - she swore up and down that they were "comfortable" sandals. Within a half hour of arriving at the zoo she complained that her feet hurt. By the time we left the zoo she had a raw spot of skin on each of her big toes! We both learned a lesson that day - 1) don't trust the kids shoe choices no matter how confident they are, and 2) always bring flip flops when in doubt!!

here are all of our cute kids! I'm sure we will have years of fun in the new kids area, they did a great job building it.