Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Zack!

Today is Zack's 4th birthday. Wow, where have the last 4 years gone?? Seems like just yesterday he was the cranky kid waking us up in the middle of the night crying! oh wait, that *was* just yesterday... I guess some things haven't changed much at all. :) Well you are now a confident, and inquisitive little preschooler - soon to be in "Pre-K". You want to know all of the answers and "Why?" is probably your most used word.

This is one happy boy opening his presents. It was also PJ day at preschool so it was a special day for you. Oh, and the first of the caterpillers that Sydney had gotten for her birthday decided to turn into a butterfly on your birthday, so that made it extra special! You got a t-shirt from Grandma W that has Lightning McQueeen on it, and it lights up. Too cool!

It was hard to think of some presents for you as it seems like out house is already busting full of toys. However, you did need a new camping chair, so that was one of your gifts. And what a great gift it was - especially since we'll be camping again soon, you will get a lot of use out of it. Too bad it makes your sister jealous and she wants a new chair too!

The things you asked for as gifts were socks and lip balm - no kidding!! Well everyone needs soft lips right? And running socks?, well they are just cool and who doesn't want to be like Daddy these days?
The cake was yummy (see the lip balm in front of the cake??)

Look out!! Can't wait until he gets to use this to torture us around the pool!