Friday, May 15, 2009


Tonight said goodbye to our kitty, Hootie. Hootie came into our lives as a stray cat who used to live under our deck at our first house. She took up residence there, and soon she had 2 litters of kittens! We caught all of those kittens and found good homes for them. The first time she appeared, we named her "Hootie and the Blowfish" because she was with her 2 babies. Oh, and Hootie was a popular group at the time. :) Well, Hootie was the most elusive of the cats and we had to rent a live trap to catch her and bring her inside to live with us. We couldn't leave her outside to keep reproducing under our deck! So with Hootie in our house, we now had 3 cats (Tara and Chyna were already living with us). Hootie was a calm cat who always just kind of hung around. However, we also found out she was a diabetic cat, after she peed on our carpet repeatedly of our new house and ruined it :( We have been giving her insulin shots for almost 4 years. Even though she wasn 't a playful kitty, she loved to sit on your lap and be brushed. We think she was 15 years old when she passed away. Goodbye dear Hootie.