After a late start, we headed for Clearwater beach today. There was a lot of traffic near Tampa, but the car ride went well - perhaps because we put a stop to the new car game "Yes" (antagonistically prompted by Sydney) and "No!" (responded loudly by Zack). We ate some lunch in the car on the way to the beach, and arrived around noon.
Clearwater was so crowded we thought we'd never find a parking spot. Eventually we did, and luckily it was a short walk to the beach. The kids had a great time playing in the sand and Sydney enjoyed the water more than Zack did - although Zack did like being carried out into the water. Around 4 pm we took a walk on the pier, and ended the day with some ice cream. The kids passed out from exhaustion shortly after our trip back home started since neither one had a nap today. We had a late dinner of pizza. Zack had a terrible time going to sleep - and he learned a new trick - how to climb out of the Pack-n-Play! We had to put him back to bed about 5 times until we eventually got him to sleep by sitting in the room until he fell asleep. Guess that's what we get for messing up the "schedule".